Check out my brandnew youtube channel:
Friedrich Schapper’s Musik Laboratorium
Irene Graziadei hat gestern einen super Auftritt hingelegt beim Open StageEvent von der Deutschen Pop Akademie. Irene kommt seit 7 Jahren zu mir zum Gitarren-, Songwriting- und Musikproduktionsunterricht. Sie hat hart an ihrer Kunst gearbeitet und das merkt man. Tolle Stimme, solide Begleittechnik an der Gitarre und eine interessante und fokussierte Bühnenpräsenz. Vor allen Dingen hat sie es geschafft sich treu zu bleiben und Ihren eigenen Stil zu entwickeln und zu kultivieren. Letzteres ist verdammt schwer und so manch einer verliert sich und endet als Klon…Respekt ! Weiter so ! Ich bin gespannt wie die Reise weiter geht !
Sie braucht jetzt dringend Musiker die ihr helfen die Arrangements ihrer Songs auch Live umzusetzten !! Meldet Euch bei ihr wenn Ihr Interesse habt !!
My friend and collegue Werner Freistätter is looking for a female singer for his new project and asked me for help to find one. Will try to get more information out of him , which is difficult, as he is working in the studio day and night. I can tell something is cooking ! 😉 Werner sold more then a million records with his previous projects, so this could be a great opportunity….
If you are interested in getting a deeper sense of how the musicbiz works, do click here , read Ville’s blog and subscribe to “News at Zen”. Very enlightening and very funny….
Strongly recommended reading for any “emerging artist” who is trying to emerge some more 😉
I started working for London label / management company / publisher Animal Farm this week. Helping to establish contacts in the german speaking markets, promoting Animal Farm acts in Germany and actively looking for talented acts in this country. If you’ve got any promising song material, please get in touch.
February 2013:
My student and friend Nancy moved to London last summer. I hooked her up wit my mate Ville form the Animal Farm (, and she is now working for them, helping to promote their 6 biggest bands in the UK and in Germany.
Oktober 2012:
My mentor and teacher Les Wise is a wise guy indeed, excuse the pan. 😉 If you are seriously interested in improving yourself with regards to playing, performing, writing and producing or any other activity in the field of arts, you should have a look at
Check out this video for starters:
The internet is full of musicians praising this man and I can only agree. Back in the days at the American Institute of Music I was lucky enough to receive long friday afternoon one to one guitar instructions with many long, enlightening conversations. Les sais, forget talent, “it’s all in the head” if I may sum it up rather crudely, and that matches my own experiences as a musician and teacher. Often the real challenge is in the head and not on the instrument. It sounds like a cliche, but seriously, it is very enlightening stuff, do check it out.